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Bulk Email Campaigns

Create and send a bulk email to a list of Supporters, Registrants, Fundraisers, and more

Tony Sasso avatar
Written by Tony Sasso
Updated over 2 weeks ago

☝️ Don't see bulk email in your platform?

Contact your account manager (or open a new chat on this page) to add this feature to your account.

πŸ€— New to Email Campaigns?

We recommend starting with Email Campaigns 101

Create an Email Campaign

The first step to sending a bulk email is creating an email campaign. An email campaign is like a folder or collection of individual email templates.

1. Access Email Campaigns > click New Email Campaign

2. Enter a Campaign Name > click Save

3. In your new Email Campaign > click New Email > enter an Email Name > Click Save

☝️ Campaigns can contain multiple email templates

Once you create a new email campaign, you'll be able to add multiple email templates to this campaign. You can think of an Email Campaign as a folder of email templates.

For example, if you send a monthly newsletter email, name the campaign, "Newsletters" and then create email templates inside that campaign for each month.

4. Configure email content and design settings > Click Save

We've got a whole article dedicated to tips for designing and adding content to an email template. Learn more about editing an email template.

πŸ‘ Now you're ready to send that email template.

Send a Bulk Email

After you have created an email campaign and email template, you can now send this email to a filtered list of Supporters, Transactions, Subscriptions, Fundraisers, or Registrations. The instructions below show how to send to a list of Supporters, but the concept is the same for each type of send list.

1. Access Supporters > Build your segment with list filters

☝️ Consider saving this list

If this is a list you'll regularly send to, we recommend saving the list with a clear name so this set of filters is easily accessible in the future.

☝️ Suggested supporter list filters

Emails can not be sent to supporters without an email address or supporters who have opted out of email communication. We recommend adding the filters below to view a more accurate count of actual sends when creating a supporter send list.

  • Email address > exists

  • Email/SMS Opt In > equals > true

2. Click the actions menu (3 dots) > Select Send Emails to List

4. Configure the send > click Send

  • Search and select the Email Campaign and Email Template to send.

  • Set a Send Time (Immediate or Scheduled) We have a few tips below to keep in mind when scheduling an email.

Scheduling emails

Keep in mind, if you schedule this email for the future, the email will send to the supporters who meet the list filters at the time of the send. This is intentional and opens up some neat strategies β€” but for now, just remember that supporters who meet the list filters at the time of the send will receive the email.

Daily Send Limit

⚠️ A maximum of 50,000 Campaign Emails can be sent per day. Regardless of your email plan, a maximum of 50,000 Campaign Emails can be sent per day. Any attempted sends over 50,000 in a day will be dropped and will not be sent.

⚠️ The maximum daily send limit is not related to your billing plan. It's important to note that all plans have a sending limit of 50,000 emails per day. This daily sent limit meter is unrelated to your billing plan β€” the daily send limit meter should only be used to see today's usage in relation to the absolute maximum sends available to you today.

The Daily Send Limit meter only accounts for today's usage. If you are scheduling an email for a future date, the daily send limit meter should not be used to calculate sending limits for future dates.

Email performance reports

After you send an email, you'll probably want to see how it performed! To see how your emails perform, you can view email performance reports in Fundraising Intelligence.

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