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Subscriptions 101

Manage your recurring donation subscriptions

Blake Goldstein avatar
Written by Blake Goldstein
Updated over 2 years ago

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Recurring donation plans in Funraise are called Subscriptions. A Subscription connects a Supporter's Payment Method with their desired donation amount, frequency, and donation options like allocations or dedications.

Supporters can have multiple subscriptions.

Supporters can create a Subscription (recurring donation) through any Giving Form. Your team can also create a Subscription for your Supporters and edit Subscriptions from within the platform.

Create & Edit a Subscription
Filter & Save a list of Subscriptions
Export a .csv list of Subscriptions
Automatic failed payment updater email
Example copy for your Expiring Recurring Donor email campaign
Subscription Statuses

Payment Methods

Each Subscription is connected to a Payment Method, either a card or eCheck (ACH). Payment Methods can be created or edited.

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