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Recurring Subscription Statuses
Recurring Subscription Statuses

Definitions for each Subscription status

Tony Sasso avatar
Written by Tony Sasso
Updated over a year ago

The following list includes the possible statuses that can apply to a Subscription.

Imported subscription.  Will not actively charge.

Subscription that is actively charging.

Subscription moves to this status after 4th failed transaction in a row. Subscription will no longer charge.

Cancellation was initiated in platform by a team member or by the donor. Subscription will no longer charge.

Failed and Cancelled update — March 18, 2024

On March 18, 2024 Funraise updated the Cancelled status to include any subscription that was cancelled by a platform user or by the donor. If a subscription was cancelled by a platform user or donor prior to this date, the subscription may still show the status of Failed.

Legacy statuses

There are several statuses that may apply to your subscriptions, but are no longer actively being applied. These are legacy statuses.

Subscriptions in this status are no longer active.

Subscriptions in this status are no longer active.

Subscriptions in this status are no longer active.

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