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Peer-to-Peer Email Campaigns

What emails can be sent to supporters and fundraisers of a peer-to-peer campaign? How to activate peer-to-peer email campaigns.

Blake Goldstein avatar
Written by Blake Goldstein
Updated over a month ago

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When peer-to-peer functionality is activated on a Campaign Site, a new Email Campaign is added to your Email Campaign section. This new Email Campaign is named using your Campaign Site Name, for example SiteName P2P Notifications.

Each Peer-to-Peer Campaign Site will have its own unique Email Campaign.

🥸 Things look different?

If your account looks different than described below, it means you're using our legacy email tools. Contact us to learn more about upgrading.

☝️ New to Funraise emails?

If you're new to emails in Funraise, start with Email Campaigns 101.

Access Peer-to-Peer Email Campaigns

1. From the side menu > click Email Campaigns

2. Click (Your Site Name) P2P Notifications

Inside the campaign, you'll see the email templates that can send in this campaign. You can click in to edit each email template and activate or deactivate each email.

Learn more about editing an individual email.

Descriptions & example content

Example content uses Funraise's data merge tags.

Fundraiser Sign Up

Email Name
Sent to Fundraiser after page creation

Who receives this email?

An individual fundraiser receives this email after creating their personal peer-to-peer fundraising page. This email is only sent to individual fundraisers.

Welcome, *|page:fundraiser_first_name|*!

Thank you for committing to raise *|page:goal_amount|* for *|organization:name|*. Your effort will sustain our vital programs.

The most impactful thing you can do right now is to share your page in emails and in social media posts. Tell your friends and family why this campaign is important to you and ask them to donate to your page!

Share your page: *|page:url|*

Fundraiser Donation Notification

Email Name

Sent to Fundraiser after donation to page

Who receives this email?

An individual fundraiser can receive this email after receiving a successful transaction on their fundraising page. This email is only sent to individual fundraisers.



From *|donation:donor_name_or_anonymous|*


Congratulations, *|page:fundraiser_first_name|*! You've received a new donation towards your fundraising goal for *|organization:name|*!

So far, you've raised *|page:goal_raised|* with support from *|page:goal_donor_count|* donors and you've reached *|page:goal_progress|*% of your *|page:goal_amount|* goal.

​Fundraiser Comment Notification

Email Name

Sent to Donor after Fundraiser comment on donation

Who receives this email?

A donor. When a donor makes a donation to a fundraiser's page, the fundraiser can leave a comment on that donation. When a fundraiser comments on a donation to their page, the donor can receive this email.

Hi *|donor:first_name|*,

*|page:fundraiser_name|* commented on your donation:


Thanks to you, *|page:fundraiser_first_name|* has raised *|page:goal_raised|* of their *|page:goal_amount|* goal! Another way to help *|page:fundraiser_first_name|* reach their goal is to share their page with your friends or family.

Here is *|page:fundraiser_first_name|*'s page link to share:


Fundraiser Goal Progress (4 emails)

Who receives these emails?

Fundraisers can receive progress celebration emails as they reach milestones towards their goals: 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.

Email Name

Sent to Fundraiser after 25% goal reached

You've reached *|page:goal_progress|*% of your goal!

Great job, *|page:fundraiser_first_name|*!

So far, you’ve raised *|page:goal_raised|* of your *|page:goal_amount|* goal for *|organization:name|*!

Share your page and celebrate this progress with your friends and family.

Email Name

Sent to Fundraiser after 50% goal reached

You're halfway there, *|page:fundraiser_first_name|* !

So far, you’ve raised *|page:goal_raised|* of your *|page:goal_amount|* goal for *|organization:name|*!

Share your page and celebrate this progress with your friends and family.

Email Name

Sent to Fundraiser after 75% goal reached

You've reached *|page:goal_progress|*% of your goal!

You're so close, *|page:fundraiser_first_name|*!

So far, you’ve raised *|page:goal_raised|* of your *|page:goal_amount|* goal for *|organization:name|*!

Share your page and celebrate this progress with your friends and family.

Email Name

Sent to Fundraiser after 100% goal reached

Great job, *|page:fundraiser_first_name|*! You've reached your goal!

You've reached *|page:goal_progress|*% of your goal for *|organization:name|*!

So far, you've raised *|page:goal_raised|* with support from *|page:goal_donor_count|* donors.

Share your page and celebrate this achievement with your friends and family.

Non-transacting fundraiser motivation (6 emails)

Who receives these emails?

A fundraiser with no donations towards their fundraising goal can receive these emails after specific timeframes after creating their page. Use these emails to encourage your fundraisers and share resources that will help them reach their goals.

We do not recommend activating all non-transacting emails. We recommend only using a few emails on a schedule that makes sense for your campaign.

Email Name

Sent to Fundraiser with no donations 2 days after page creation

Hi *|page:fundraiser_first_name|*!

It looks like you don't have any donations towards your goal yet! No worries :)

One of the best ways to get started is to be your first donor. Try it! Donate $10 to your page and then share your page in emails and social media posts. Ask your friends to follow your lead and help you reach your goal.

Being your first donor will show your friends how committed you are to reaching your *|page:goal_amount|* goal and they'll be inspired to support you.

Be your first donor: *|page:url|*

Email Name

Sent to Fundraiser with no donations 4 days after page creation

Hi *|page:fundraiser_first_name|*,

Still no donations yet?! That's okay!

Try this: Email five friends or family members. Tell them you have committed to raising *|page:goal_amount|* for *|organization:name|* and you need their help to reach your goal. Be sure to share why this goal is important to you personally. Your friends love you; give them a chance to support you!

Share your page: *|page:url|*

Email Name

Sent to Fundraiser with no donations 7 days after page creation

*|page:fundraiser_first_name|*, fundraising is hard, we know.

That's why we are here for you! It's been a week since you created your fundraising page with a goal to raise *|page:goal_amount|*, but you haven't received any donations. Is there anything we can do to help you reach your goal?

Your fundraising effort provides much-needed support for our programs. We appreciate the work you're doing to fundraise for *|organization:name|*.

Share your page today: *|page:url|*

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