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Connect Raiser's Edge NXT

Connect Funraise's Raiser's Edge integration to sync donor and donation data in real time

Tony Sasso avatar
Written by Tony Sasso
Updated over a week ago

Funraise's native Raiser's Edge NXT integration syncs Transaction and Supporter data in real-time. This integration will replace our legacy Raiser's Edge integration (importacular).

Connect Raiser's Edge NXT

In Raisers Edge

  1. Install the Funraise App using our App Id: 6559ad0f-63bc-4fb6-8077-8fe66d0648f2 This video shows how.

In Funraise

  1. Access Settings > Integrations > Raiser's Edge > Edit

  2. Click Connect with Raiser's Edge to open the OAuth flow and authenticate the integration

  3. Select a Raiser's Edge Fund. Funraise Transactions will be assigned to this fund when synced with Raiser's Edge.

  4. (Beta) Optional: Map additional transaction fields (described below)

  5. Click Save

Test the integration

To test the Raiser's Edge integration, we recommend creating a new offline Transaction. After saving the Transaction in Funraise, you should see the new Gift and Constituent created in Raiser's Edge.

Data sync

Funraise syncs Supporter and Transaction data with Raiser's Edge NXT when a Transaction or Supporter record is created or updated. This sync is automatic and occurs in real-time. The following tables show the field mapping between Funraise and Raiser's Edge.

Funraise managed mapping

Some field mapping is managed by Funraise and can not be configured.

Transaction fields

Funraise Transactions are synced with Raiser's Edge NXT Gifts.


Raiser's Edge NXT




Gift Type

If the Transaction is recurring, the Gift Type in RE is set to Recurring Gift. If the Transaction is not recurring, the Gift Type in RE is set to Donation.









Soft Credit Supporter

Soft Credit Constituent



If Status = Complete in Funraise, Status in RE = Active, if not Status in RE = Cancelled.

Supporter fields

Funraise Supporters are synced with Raiser's Edge NXT Constituents.


Raiser's Edge NXT

First Name

First Name

Last Name

Last Name

Preferred Name

Preferred Name

Address, City, State, Zip, Country

Address, City, State, Zip, Country







Supporter β†’ Constituent matching

When Funraise syncs Supporter data with Raiser's Edge, Funraise will attempt to find a matching Constituent in Raiser's Edge by matching on email address. If no matching Constituent is found, a new Constituent is created.

When a Constituent is created or matched in Raiser's Edge via the integration sync, the Constituent Id is captured and will be used to match subsequent syncs.

Custom Mapping

Transaction fields

You can optionally map the following Funraise transaction fields with custom gift fields in Raiser's Edge. To map these additional fields, find the Funraise field you'd like to map and then search for the appropriate Raiser's Edge field to map with.

Campaign Goal ID

Campaign Page URL


Dedication Email

Dedication Message

Dedication Name

Dedication Type

Donation Boost Amount

Donor Covered Fee Amount

Donor Covered Fees

Donor Covers Fees Eligible


Gateway Transaction ID

In-Kind Description



Platform Fee Amount

Platform Fee Collected

Platform Fee Percent

Processing Fee Covered Amount

Recurring Sequence

Source URL

Subscription ID


Transaction Name (sequential transaction number)

UTM Campaign

UTM Content

UTM Medium

UTM Source

UTM Term

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