What's New
In-Kind Donations
You can now add and manage in-kind donations in platform. When adding an in-kind donation you can specify the donor estimated amount and a description for the donation. A donation receipt email with this information can be sent to your donor.
Team Names can be reused
The same fundraising team name can now be used on multiple Campaign Sites. A fundraising team’s name is just required to be unique per Campaign Site.
More granular Payment Methods for offline donations
When entering offline donations, you can now set the Payment Method as Cash, Physical Check, Stock, In-kind, or Other. You can filter and report on these offline Payment Methods.
Increased accessibility for the visually impaired
We’ve made UI updates to increase the contrast and legibility of several text components. Specifically, utilizing title case rather than uppercase formatting for buttons. This helps make the Funraise platform more accessible for visually impaired users.