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Create a New Task Automation
Create a New Task Automation

How to create a new task automation. Create new supporter follow up task automation. Transaction Tasks.

Angelina Pavone avatar
Written by Angelina Pavone
Updated over a week ago

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Create an Automated Task

Navigate to the Tasks section and click New Task Automation.

Automation Settings

Automation name
Provide a helpful name for the automation.

Assign this task to

When a task is created, it will be assigned to the team member selected.

Response type

Select the appropriate response from the list.

Task color

A helpful indicator for tasks created through this automation.

Task note

Add brief instructions or notes about the automation or the appropriate response.

Reassign supporter based on this task

When a supporter completes a Transaction that creates a task, they can be assigned to the team member selected above. This is a great way to automatically assign donors to portfolios based on their donation activity.

Create interactions when this task is completed

When a task is completed, it can appear in the interaction history on the Supporter's Profile. This is a great way to keep a record of each interaction you've had with a donor.

Automation Rule Filters

Next, you can set the filters that determine which Transactions will create a Task.

Click Automation in the sidebar menu and select the appropriate Transaction filters. Click Save when complete.ย 

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