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Edit dedication details

Edit dedication details when creating or editing a Transaction

Tony Sasso avatar
Written by Tony Sasso
Updated over a year ago

You can configure donation dedication details when creating or editing a Transaction.

Good to know

The logo on your form receipt is used in the dedication email

Your organization logo configured for the receipt on your form is shared with the dedication notification email.

You can resend a dedication email

A dedication email can be sent to the email address provided with the dedication. The dedication email contains the donor's name and the dedication message but does not contain the amount of the donation.

A dedication email is not sent when an offline transaction is created. You can send a dedication email from the transaction actions menu.

The dedication email that is sent to the dedicatee uses the template shown below. The dedication email template is not editable at this time β€” but will likely be editable in the future ;)

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