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Giving Form Design

Design settings for the Giving Form

Angelina Pavone avatar
Written by Angelina Pavone
Updated over a week ago

You can edit the colors and logo for the Giving Form. We suggest keeping it simple and staying true to your brand primary color.

To access the Giving Form design settings

1. In the side menu, click Giving Forms > click on a Giving Form Name to open the editor

2. From the Giving Form Editor > click Design

3. Configure design settings > click Save

Design Settings

Popup Headline

Optional. Text entered here will appear at the top of your form for the entire donation flow.

Popup background color

The fullscreen background color.

Popup Headline Color

The color of the optional popup headline.

Form Button Color

The background color for the button.
​Form Button Text Color

The text color for the form button.

Form Logo

Optional, but highly recommended.

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